These are characters I created back in 1981.
They were originally pencil sketches. I put these into a lineup in Illustrator.

cap_rotation zodiacs1981 aqu_rotation

These flanking two are rotations of the 1997 character re-design.

capricorn aquarius pisces aries

The 1981 versions were done with no real research into the astrological traits.
The 1997 versions (leftmost) represented the revised uniform based on
colors, powers, and personality traits of the sign.

taurus gemini cancer leo

In 2003, I decided to revise them, since the 1997 costumes looked a bit old-school.
I removed the capes and decided to go with a more modern look.

virgo libra scorpio sagittarius

These characters will be on their own site at some point.

Click on the image to see the larger version